India Affiliate Summit
Premium Exclusive
- Branding as Title partner for the event
- 1 Table space in Affiliate Street in premium row
- Logo on the stage Backdrop
- Keynote address (1 Slot)
- Slot for speakers in panels
(2 Slots - One on each day) on a mutually decided topic
- Logo on top of the agenda, event website,
EDM, banners
- Logo on the delegate folder
- Screening of corporate films during breaks
(Maximum 1 minute)
- 300 word profile on event website
- 9 Complimentary Gold Passes for Summit
- 6 standees display (To be provided by Partner)
- 1 Stall space (6 Mtrs by 2 Mtrs)
- A4 size inserts (To be printed and provided by Partner)
- Branding as the Powered By partner for the event
- Logo below the event name on all marketing collaterals, as part of the event cluster
- Keynote address (1 Slot) – on a mutually decided topic
- 1 Speaking Slot in a Panel Discussion (Mutually decided topic)
- Logo on common marketing collaterals like backdrop, delegate kit folder, etc.
- Screening of corporate film during breaks (Max. 1 minute)
- Online branding on the event website, promotional EDMs and social media
- 275 word company profile on event website
- 1 Table space in Affiliate Street in premium row
- 1 Raw Open Stall space (3 Mtrs by 2 Mtrs) – Stall to be built by the Partner
- 9 Complimentary Gold Passes for the Summit
- 5 standees display (To be printed and provided by Partner)
- A4 size inserts for the delegate folder (To be printed and provided by Partner)
- Access to Delegate list of India Affiliate Summit
- Branding as Affiliate Street partner for the event
- 1 Table space in Affiliate Street in premium row
- 2 speaker Slots in panels (for 1 client and 1 colleague each, on a mutually decided topic)
- 1 Raw open Stall space (3 Mtrs by 2 Mtrs)
- Screening of Corporate Films during Breaks (maximum 1 minute)
- Exclusive Branding as Co-host with IAMAI for Cocktails and Dinner arranged for Speakers and VIPs
- Logo on cocktail coupons
- Logo on Tent cards kept in the party
- Logo on the wings of Backdrop, event website, EDM, banners
- 8 Complimentary Gold Passes for Summit
- 5 standees display (To be provided by Partner)
- A4 size inserts (To be printed and provided by Partner)
- Branding as Platinum partner for the event
- 1 Table space in Affiliate Street in premium row
- 1 Raw open Stall space (3 Mtrs by 2 Mtrs)
- 2 Slot for speakers(1 for colleague & 1 for client on
Mutually decided topics)
- Screening of corporate films during breaks
(Maximum 1 minute)
- Logo on the wings of Backdrop, event website,
EDM, banners
- Logo on the delegate kit
- 250 word profile on event website
- 7 Complimentary Gold Passes for Summit
- 5 standees display (To be provided by Partner)
- A4 size inserts (To be printed and provided by Partner)